FMANM Tool Backpack Drive 2022
FMA and ABC’s Young Tradesmen
Rewarded with Specialized Tool Backpacks
Students who completed their first-year studies in the trades were incentivized with essential professional gear at an energetic event in January. The Facility Manager Association of New Mexico joined forces with the Associated Builders and Contractors of New Mexico to donate high-grade Milwaukee-brand tool backpacks to each apprentice. These tradesmen and women of the future networked with their future employers–contractors and facility services providers–who had graciously funded the free event.
The demand for skilled trades is at an all-time high as retirements from the workforce and the effects of the pandemic has decreased the number of candidates in the work pool. High-paying jobs are immediately available for those who possess these essential vocational skills. The event was directly inline with the missions of both FMANM and ABCNM to support and resupply the building services and construction trades with qualified candidates.
With a food truck and libations available, the students, businessmen and women, and representatives from FMA and ABC enjoyed an interactive atmosphere. Students who are remote-learning or were otherwise unable to attend will also receive their valuable tool via alternative distribution.